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12-Week Blended Braille Course

2018 - Duxbury Braille Translation (DBT) Software Trainings

A Touch of Braille

About Us

Accessibility Support Specialist Position

Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM): Simply Said

Acquiring Accessible Materials Part 1

Acquiring Accessible Materials Part 2

Acquiring Accessible Materials Part 3

Adding Alt text for Compatibility with Screen Readers

Advanced Braille

Advanced Nemeth

AEM Basics

AEM Learning Opportunities

AEM Navigator

AEM Online Request Portal and Yearly Federal Quota Registration

AEM Special Projects and Grants

AIM Tips Part I: Introducing AIM to Students

AIM Tips Part II: Technology and Skills

AIM Tips Part III: Self-Advocacy and Post Secondary

AIM Tips Part IV: Using AIM at Home

Alternate Format Tests

American Printing House for the Blind Louis Database

An Introduction to SWIFT

APH | LEGO Braille Bricks

APH: An Overview of Federal Quota

Approved Textbook Publishers List

Apps Selection Tools

Areas of Assistive Technology

ASD and Assistive Technology Video Collection

ASD and Assistive Technology: Literacy

ASD and Assistive Technology: Organization

ASD and Assistive Technology: Social

ASD and Assistive Technology: Writing

Assistive Technology Academy

Assistive Technology Internet Modules (ATIM)

Assistive Technology Lending Library

AT Academy with Mike Marotta

AT Assessment

AT Assessment Frameworks and Tools

AT Assessment Guides

AT Assessment Process in the School Environment

AT Assessment Tools

AT Australia

AT Basics

AT Consideration in the IEP

AT Consideration in the IEP Process

AT Consideration Video

AT Credentialing Programs

AT Funding

AT Funding: Who Will Pay?

AT Implementation

AT Ohio

AT Professional Development

AT Resource Guide

AT Special Projects and Grants

AT Supports and Services in the IEP

AT Supports for Math

AT Tools (Apps, Software, Hardware)

AT&AEM Center Virtual Overview

ATIM - Navigating AIM

ATIM - Reading 1

ATIM - Reading 2

ATIM AT Implementation

ATP Certification Scholarship

Basic Braille

Basic Nemeth

BEST 5-year PD activities schedule

BEST Advisory Board

BEST Grant 2014 - 2019

BEST Grant 2019 - 2024

Boardmaker Online Activities


Braille Formatting: Best Practices for Braille Materials

Braille Information and Resources

Braille Instructional Supports for Language Arts

Braille Resources for Ohio Students

Braille Templates and Macros

BrailleNote with Google

BrailleNote with KeyMath

Brailler Repair Service

College and University AT Programs

Computer Refurbishing Program

Creating Accessible Microsoft Word Documents

Creating Accessible PDFs

Creating Accessible Presentations

Crick Software - LearningGrids

Dancing Dots Software

Determining the Need for AEM

District-Wide AT Planning: A View From 40,000 Feet

Duxbury Braille Translation Software

EquatIO to MathML

Events - National Center on AEM

Exploring the T3 Tablet

Express Yourself - Part 1

Express Yourself - Part 2

Express Yourself: Accessing the Visual Arts

Featured Resources

Federal Legislation and AT

Federal Quota Census Registration Tutorial

Federal Quota Guidelines for APH Products

Fixing Abbyy OCR Errors

Forms and Checklists

Funding Assistive Technology

General AT Resources

Getting Ready for the Annual Federal Quota Census

Grafton Braille Service Center

Hammer Head Test on the Juliet 120 Embosser

Hey, My Braille Tabs Are Missing!

Importance of Using Control+V to Paste

Inclusive Coding


Installing Perky Duck

Instructional Strategies for Braille: STEM

Introduction to AT

Introduction to Music Braille

Isabel Needs Assistive Technology (Isabel Necesita la Tecnologia de Asistencia)

Large Print Templates and Macros

Learning Ally

Learning Braille

Lending Library AT Assessment Tools

Lending Library AT Devices

Library Services for the Blind

Living Made Easy

Making Setting Changes in Perky Duck

Materials Request Tutorial

MathType & MathPix for Braille Production

Missing Braille Tab

Mobile Devices and Apps Assessment Tools

National Braille Press

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials

National Equipment Database (NED)

Obtaining AEM

Obtaining Braille


OETC 2024

Ohio Brochure for PALM

Ohio Publisher Legislation

Online Guide to AT Loan Programs

Open Educational Resources (OER)

OSEP and OET Guidance on Assistive Technology (AT) and AT Services

Overview of Assistive Technology

Overview of Assistive Technology (AT)

PALM Initiative

Paraprofessional Instructional Support Techniques: Supporting Students Who Are Braille Users

PD on Demand

Printing SimBraille with Interline Words

Printing Tactile Graphics Using Firebird

Producing Braille

Producing Tactile Graphics on the Juliet 120

Promotional Materials

Protocol for Accommodations in Reading (PAR)

QIAT - Quality Indicators for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Assistive Technology

QIAT - Self-Evaluation Matrices for the Quality Indicators in Assistive Technology Services

Reach and Teach All Students: UDL and AT

Recite Me

Removing Non-Printing Characters for Compatibility with Screen Readers

Request AEM

Returning and Shipping AEM

Scanning for Braille, Large Print, and Electronic Text

Screen Reader Training

Seedling Braille Books for Children

Setting the Default Translation Template in the Duxbury Braille Translator


Strange Text Instead of Math Equations

Supplemental Material for Braille Ohio State Practice Tests

Supporting with Braille Technology

Supports for Struggling Readers

Tactile Graphics

Teaching Braille

The AT Assessment Process in the School Environment

Tools to Support AEM

Unlocking and Locking the Embossing Heads on the ETC Juliet 120 and Romeo 60

Upcoming AT Professional Development

Updating Firmware on the ETC Juliet 120 and Romeo 60

Using MathML to Correct EquatIO Errors

Using Microsoft Word Templates and Macros to Produce Braille, Large Print, and Electronic Text

Using Styles for Compatibility with Screen Reader Users

Using the TactiPad

Using the View & Edit Menus in Perky Duck

Using the WATI Assessment Process

Using Word for Duxbury Braille Translation (DBT) Software: Lunch and Learn: Line Numbered Text

Using Word For Duxbury Braille Translation (DBT) Software: Lunch and Learn: Tables

Using Word For Duxbury Braille Translation (DBT) Software: Lunch and Learn: Transcribers Notes (TNs)

Viewing MathML Equations in Microsoft Word

Working in Perky Duck

Writing AT Into the IEP