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AT Special Projects and Grants

RESNA Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) Certification Scholarship

Applications are now closed

Funding from this grant provides Service and Support Administrators (SSAs), related service providers, administrators, and other CBDD personnel the opportunity to receive financial support to earn their assistive technology certification through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Association (RESNA) ATP program. RESNA is a professional organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of people with disabilities through increasing access to technology solutions.

The RESNA Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) certification program offers a variety of training activities and a community of practice where participants learn:

  • How to analyze the needs of consumers with disabilities,
  • Assist in the selection of appropriate assistive technology for the consumer's needs, and
  • How to provide training in the use of the selected device(s).

About the Exam

The ATP examination is a 200-item, multiple choice exam testing competency in the broad field of assistive technology practice. The exam is designed for Service and Supports Administrators (SSAs), related service providers, including OT, SLP, PT, and other administrators.

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RESNA ATP Certification - 2021

Funded by The Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council