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AT Assessment

AT Consideration Process

AT should be considered for every student with an IEP. Consideration goes beyond simply checking "yes" or "no" on the IEP documents, but is a careful and thoughtful discussion that focuses on the student's needs and abilities, environments, tasks and how they might be supported by AT. The results of the AT consideration discussion may indicate the need for a more in-depth AT assessment. The following resources will help define the AT consideration process.

AT Assessment Process

The AT Assessment process is a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of the student's needs, their environments, the tasks or goals they are wanting to achieve and the possible AT tools that may help facilitate these goals.  The AT process does not end with tool selection, but also includes follow-up and ongoing assessment as tasks and environments change and new tools are developed. The following resources provide information about the AT assessment process.

AT Assessment Resources

The following are a list of website resources that can be used to facilitate the AT assessment process. The resources include an assessment framework with supporting forms, other AT assessment forms for specifically identified student needs such as reading, writing, communication, math, organizational skills, etc., assessments for mobile devices and apps selection and the OCALI SIFTS tool.