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Tools to Support AEM

Assistive Technology

Most students who use AEM will also need specialized tools to help them interact with the accessible learning materials. These tools are called assistive technologies (AT). Some examples of assistive technologies include software to read text out loud, refreshable braille devices, screen enlarging tools, audio players, braille writers, etc. Here you can find information on loan programs, funding, repair services and commercial products for common tools used to support AEM.

AT Loans

An important step of the AT assessment process is handsĀ­-on trials with potential AT solutions. The following are statewide lending libraries that offer a wide variety of AT equipment that can be borrowed for handsĀ­-on trials prior to purchase. The OCALI Lending Library also provides loans of AT assessment tools for the purpose of helping teams determine the appropriate tools to support their students specific needs.

Funding and Acquisition

Need help funding or acquiring AT to support AEM? The following resources can help provide information.