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AT Special Projects and Grants

County Board of DD AT Survey - DD Council Grant

Project Outcomes

The OCALI's AT&AEM Center conducted a study of the 88 Ohio County Boards of Developmental Disabilities (CBDD) in order to gauge the system's capacity for providing assistive technology (AT) services and supports. This mixed method study consisted of two parts, 1) a survey of the 88 CBDD's current AT service delivery practices, and 2) interviews with five select CBDDs for the purpose of differentiating AT barriers and supports for high self-rated and low self-rated CBDDs. This data was gathered to ultimately make recommendations to inform current practices and potential policy changes that might improve the AT service delivery of CBDDs. This study demonstrated a clear need to develop and/or expand the AT capacity at many of the CBDDs particularly in the area of adult services. The full report of the study findings can be found here.

Project funding partner
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council