BEST Grant 2019 - 2024 Archive

After 20 years of the BEST Grant, we were not awarded funding for the upcoming cycle. We are currently reviewing our next steps and will continue to provide updates on how we will move forward in supporting braille literacy. Thank you for your support!
The BEST Grant provided statewide professional development and technical assistance dedicated to braille literacy, braille instruction, braille materials and braille technology in Ohio schools.
If you would like to learn more about BEST and resources provided through the grant, watch the InspirED Ohio session, Be At Your BEST: The Ohio Braille Training Grant Program!
Video: Be At Your BEST - The Ohio Braille Training Grant Program
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BEST Goals
Enhance the competency of preservice and inservice educators, paraprofessionals, and others to provide braille literacy instruction and support across all academic areas including Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
Enhance the competency of both pre-service and inservice educators, paraprofessionals, and others to efficiently and effectively acquire and create braille materials.
Educators and others will be able to apply strategies learned in the BEST project trainings and other activities to more effectively manage the braille needs of their students through the support of follow-up technical assistance or resources.
About BEST
BEST Reports
Braille Training Program Annual Report 2019-20 Year 1
Braille Training Program Annual Report 2020-21 Year 2