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Braille Instructional Supports for Language Arts

Dates / Times

Wednesday November 29th, 2023. 1:00pm - 2:30pm




Shelley Mack, TVI, Certified Braille Transcriber, and Braille Consultant for the AT&AEM Center


TVIs, Transcribers, Intervention Specialists, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Providers

Learning Objectives

Through discussion, demonstration, and hands-on activities, participants will:

  • Become familiar with reading strategies for use with students who are braille users within the context of the regular classroom.
  • Become familiar with the writing process strategies and production for students who are braille users.
  • Connect with other professionals who are involved with reading and writing instruction with students who are braille users.
  • Begin the thinking/planning process on how to access braille reading materials for students in their home school district.


Braille Instructional Supports for Language Arts is an online training to allow teachers and support staff to explore instructional strategies for teaching Language Arts to students who are braille users. Topics will include useful materials, helpful techniques for teaching specific reading and writing topics, tips for Language Arts in the regular classroom, technology for written materials, resources, and much more! Participants are invited to share successful strategies they use in the classroom as blind students read and move through the writing process and perhaps ask the group for help in an area that has been challenging.

Contact Hours

One and one-half (1.5) Contact Hours will be offered for participation


This training is limited to the first 25 participants to register. Classes fill-up fast, so don't delay signing up!

Deadline for registration: November 29th, 2023

Register online via OCALI Pass

For more information contact Augusta Fisher at


  • Sharing Instructional Strategies for Reading including options for obtaining braille materials
  • Sharing Instructional Strategies for Writing including producing final paper product
  • Exploring Braille Specific Language Arts Curricula
  • Questions and Evaluation